North Yorkshire Council




7 May 2024


Area Constituency Committee Feedback Report


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services and

Monitoring Officer











To bring to the attention of the Executive key issues considered at recent meetings of the Area Constituency Committees (ACC).  Specific recommendations to the Executive were made as follows:



2.0       SKIPTON AND RIPON ACC – 7 MARCH 2024


2.1       The Rt Hon Julian Smith CBE MP attended to provide an update on his work and discuss the concerns of Members. The following key points were discussed:


·         Members queried the situation with the £86,000 adult social care cost cap. It was also suggested that central government should review the level of adult social care funding.

·         Members raised a concern that the threshold for calling a Parish Poll was too low for larger town or city councils.

·         Members raised concerns over high oil prices.

·         Members welcomed the proposals to introduce requirements for planning permissions for short term lets in tourist ‘hot spots’ but queried when these would come into place.


2.2       A petition ‘seeking an investigation into the leadership of the Upper Nidderdale Federation’ was received and presented by Stephen Ramsden and Fee Ewbank. Members discussed the petition and the options available to them were made clear. The Committee voted unanimously to refer the issue to the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further investigation.


2.3       Following an informal session to discuss the project, an ACC Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Scoping Form for the implementation of the Langcliffe Quarry Conservation Management Plan was submitted by Economic Development Officers. The ACC contribution would enable delivery of the project to begin earlier, ensuring that the timelines for UKSPF funding are met and additional grant monies secured. The Committee voted unanimously to formally endorse the project and asked Officers to present the scoping form to the Corporate Director (Community Development).


2.4       A report presenting the Draft Bentham Masterplan was noted by Members. This document will be given due regard to help inform and evidence the ACC’s consideration and recommendations on future activity within the Bentham area.


2.5       Graham North, Rail Strategy and Performance Officer for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority, attended the meeting to discuss the development of rail services within the Skipton and Ripon constituency. Updates were provided on bids for the DfT’s Access for All programme, the reopening of some lines was discussed, and other general queries arose. Members noted the updates and asked that regular updates be added to the work programme.


2.6       Following the concerns of Members, a report with information on Modality, a GP partnership in Craven, was provided. Having read the information, the Committee decided to invite representatives from Modality to the 6th June 2024 ACC meeting.


2.7       The Annual Education Report was noted. Members raised that North Yorkshire schools receive less funding per pupil than other areas.


2.8       Following a public statement made at the 14th December 2023 ACC meeting, Members asked for information on the 72 Skipton to Grassington bus service. The new timetable was submitted at Appendix A and Members were pleased that the bus services is being restored.


2.9       Members discussed the Nidderdale Greenway Steering Group report that details the extension of the Greenway to Wath. The Committee supported the report and asked that NYC’s Transport Planning Team is made aware.


2.10     An update from Skipton Youth Council was received and discussed. Members suggested that the way the Committee receives Youth Council updates be investigated.


2.11     Members suggested the following additions to the work programme:


·         An update on the development of Kex Gill.

·         An item with Skipton Building Society to discuss how Members can assist with keeping the business in Skipton.

·         An item on Sutton Lane in Sutton-in-Craven following an accident there.

·         Items on the development of South Craven and Hellifield masterplans.

·         Regular updates from Highways.





3.1       12 January 2024


3.2       MP Attendance:

·         Andrew Jones MP attended the committee and briefed Members on firstly his team’s project to achieve bathing water status for the River Nidd at the Knaresborough Lido, he had submitted a bid to DEFRA and was expecting a decision in late spring. He also briefed Members on the issue of Devolution, advising that the combined authority had passed all parliamentary procedures and was subsequently preparing for the mayoral election in May. He also explained to the committee that whilst he was supportive of a Town Council for Harrogate he thought it important that beforehand the roles and responsibilities of the Council be decided.

·         He then responded to Member questions about the following; education spending - particularly in relation to SEND schools which were experiencing significant growth in applications. In response to a question about the fair funding formula he explained that he was working with local organisations to maintain or improve already high performing local services. In response to questions about the delayed set up of the Town Council he again insisted that more groundwork needed to be done on what role the Town Council would play. In response to a question on Knaresborough Town Council he responded that he would be happy to work with KTC on their devolution asks. He responded to further questions on the Nidd bathing water status, the Station Gateway, funding for the HCC, food waste policy and the Governments response to the migrant issue and whether they were achieving value for money in respect of the moneys paid to France and Rwanda.

3.3            Waste and Street Scene Presentation:

·         Harry Briggs (Head of Waste Operations and Streetscene) and Michael Leah (Associate Director for Environmental Services) delivered a verbal presentation to the Committee on the Waste and Street Scene service. They highlighted that Harry had recently been appointed as Head of the service and they had now appointed area managers one of which was charged with the Harrogate and Craven region and would be responsible for operational matters in the area. Performance stats had demonstrated that day to day services had been unaffected by LGR and as well as maintaining day to day operations the service was looking to harmonise procedures, services, and costs across the county. Harry went on to brief Members on the litter bin project stating that the roll-out was almost complete once it was complete the service would review the project and look at feedback to see where it could be improved.

·         Members expressed concerns about gaps between collections of the new larger street side litter bins, the public health issue of dog waste, the general placement of bins and street cleansing and the roll-out of the blue recycling bins. It was confirmed that officers would be reviewing operational services and would be happy to take feedback from Members on where they see gaps in the service. Michael advised that policies across this service and highways were being reviewed and full roll-out of blue recycling bins and a text service were possible once funding was agreed. Members expressed their thanks and appreciation as Member site visits/ride-alongs had shown the crew to be committed and professional regardless of the weather.

3.4                Updates from the Committee Working Groups were received, and the Committee Work Programme was updated. It was confirmed that at the meeting of the 14 March Member would consider school's education achievement and finance and the Local nature recovery strategy.


3.5       14 March 2024


·         Public Question - There was one public question about an item not on the agenda. The question pertained to a complaint about a public right of way diversion order. A response was provided which explained that the item would be considered on 15 March at an Executive Member meeting. At the meeting it was decided that: “It is therefore recommended that the opposed Diversion Order should be referred to the Secretary of State for resolution, and that the Authority should support the confirmation of the Order within its submission to the SoS.”

·         Petition - Exclusion of Land known as H2 (Land North of Knox Lane) from the new North Yorkshire Council Local Development Plan - A petition was submitted urging the Council to remove the land, detailed above, from the emerging NYC Local Plan. Members were keen that the ACC was not seen as a route of appeal for Planning Committee decisions but in this particular case Members overwhelmingly supported a motion submitted by Cllr Lacey and seconded by Cllr Haslam that the Committee support the case for the removal of the land from the emerging Local Plan but also any other application that had been refused several times by any Planning Committee on the basis of environmental or infrastructure reasons. Nine Members voted for this motion and there was one abstention.

·         Harrogate Cycling Infrastructure Plan (HCIP) – (Update to inform the consideration of priority projects for the £50k fund) - There was one public question that complained of the lack of Council action on active travel, in particular relating to cycle ways. A Council response was provided which detailed progress on current and planned cycling and walking projects and improvements. The Senior Transport Planning Officer was on hand to brief Members on the Councils Active Travel strategy, plans for future walking and cycle corridors and routes for funding. There was to be an informal meeting of the Committee where Members could be briefed in more detail on planned projects and could suggest “quick wins” that the Council could assess.

·         Residential Parking Schemes (Presentation) - There was one public question regarding a complaint about the lack of residential parking in Harrogate Town. A response from the Area 6 Highways Manager acknowledged Cllr Lacey’s support of this item and further stated that the Council’s Highways team would look in detail at this issue and report to the Environment Executive Meeting for a decision. Members were unanimously in support of the Highway Manager’s Statement.

·         Schools, Educational Achievement and Finance - The Assistant Director for Education and Skills attended the meeting remotely to present the Annual Schools Educational Achievement and Finance Report and respond to questions from the Members. The Assistant Director answered questions relating to education of underprivileged children, differing levels of performance and school allocations and funding, the Assistant Director also agreed to respond to Members in writing with more information on underprivileged students.

·         Updates from the Committee Working Groups were received, and the Committee Work Programme was updated. It was confirmed that at the meeting of the 30 May Members would consider the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS), an update on Otley Road Sustainable Transport Package Update/Active Travel Schemes and an update on 20 mph implementation (South west Harrogate).


4.0       RICHMOND (YORKS) ACC – 18 MARCH 2024


4.1       There were four statements and/or questions put before the committee by members of the public/representatives from local organisations within the constituency area:


·            Having previously raised concerns in September 2023, Richmond Town Council once again raised the issue of the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covering Richmond Falls and the Batts area in Richmond which was due to expire at the end of March 2024 requesting that the Council renews the PSPO to ensure that the Police can have the necessary powers and the confidence to uphold public order in the designated area.   A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Community Safety team.


·            Save our Swale Community Group raised their concerns regarding the failure of Yorkshire Water to invest in the infrastructure needed to keep untreated sewerage and harmful chemicals out of rivers and asked how the Council could hold Yorkshire Water to account in relation to profiting from pollution.  A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Environmental Health team.


·            A member of the public raised concerns around the digital phone line rollout in the Upper Dales in relation to the providers understanding of the topography, the situation relating to mobile phone coverage in the area, general guidance and lack of practical support. A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Transformation team.


·            The ORBTA, the Richmond Business and Tourism Association raised the issue around the central island of shops in Richmond Market Place and the lack of a delivery bay in this vicinity, advising of the congestion and issues being caused. A response was provided on behalf of the Council’s Highways and Parking Services teams.


4.2       Lisa Pope, Deputy Place Director, North Yorkshire for the NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board delivered a verbal presentation to the Committee on the development of the Catterick Integrated Care Campus. She provided details of the vision of the project, confirming that the groundworks were now complete and phase two of the development had commenced in January, with the build due to be completed in 2026. She advised that stakeholder and community engagement events are planned for summer 2024. Members raised their concerns about the lack of civilian dentistry at the facility due to the significant issues for residents in accessing this provision.


4.3       The Committee approved the appointment of Councillor Stuart Parsons as the Council’s representative on the Richmond School Trust.


4.4       The Annual Schools Education Achievement and Finance Report was shared with the Committee for information, with Members discussing several matters of concern, including school funding, budget management, the provisional Attainment 8 score and the number of suspensions in the Constituency area. This item was subsequently deferred to the next meeting for further consideration.


4.5       Finally, the Committee reviewed the work programme and suggested that additions include an update on the work in relation to the A684, Morton Flatts, River Swale flooding and an update from Richmondshire Leisure Trust.




5.1       The committee received a public question raising concerns about the safety of children who will walk to school over two miles from Stainsacre in Whitby to the new Whitby School along the cinder track.  In response the committee learned about the statutory walking distances prescribed in the Education Act 1996 and the Road Safety GB - Assessment of Walked Routes to School Guidelines used to assess the safety of routes. The reply did not fully satisfy the committee’s concerns in relation to the status of the cinder track and related issues, and so it was agreed to invite officers from Education and Skills and Highways and Transport to the meeting on 7 June to provide further details and answer members’ questions.

5.2       The committee endorsed the findings and recommendations of the recent scrutiny review of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision in the Scarborough and Whitby area. Members commended the work and methodology of the task and finish group, in particular the very productive evidence gathering session with parents, carers, school governors and other stakeholders at Scarborough Town Hall on 26 October 2023 which helped shape the report’s recommendations around the themes of schools, external communications, internal processes and liaison with partners, and wider working with the third sector.

5.3       The committee also received presentations on:

(i)         the recent public consultation on the Whitby Maritime Hub which had indicated broad support for the scheme;

(ii)        the Government initiative, Long Term Plan for Towns which included Scarborough -   a ten year plan for the town worth £2m a year which divided into a capital/revenue funding split of 75:25.  The Plan covers the three themes of safety and security; high streets, heritage and regeneration; and transport and connectivity; and

(iii)       the recent public consultation on the Town Deal scheme to improve the public realm in and around the Swing Bridge in Whitby. For most of the ideas proposed, views were quite evenly split for and against, with only the proposals to introduce planting at Tin Ghaut and traffic signals at Spital Bridge junction enjoying support of over 60%. Work on Spital Bridge junction would commence after the summer, whilst for the Swing Bridge area this initial consultation would help determine a detailed design which would be subject to further consultation.

5.4       Finally, the below average levels of attainment in local schools evident in the annual schools, educational achievement and finance report prompted members to add this topic to the list of potential issues for consideration by the committee.


6.0       THIRSK AND MALTON ACC – 27 MARCH 2024


6.1       The Rt Hon Kevin Hollinrake MP attended the meeting.


Following a question from a member of the public regarding bus services in Filey, Councillors and the MP discussed the issue raised and the MP offered to arrange a meeting with the member of the public, the Division Member and other interested parties to discuss further.


The MP updated Councillors

·         Sub Postmasters – If Councillors knew of any affected by the Horizon scandal, please refer them to Mr Hollinrake.

·         Issues for farmers – Facing difficulties due to prices, the weather, sustainability and stewardship schemes which may impact food production and possible changes to new incentives within the Environmental Land Management Schemes.

·         Hospitality – Still facing higher costs due to energy prices, National Living Wage and other higher costs. The hospitality, retail and leisure relief has been extended for another year.

·         Indications of potential improvements in the economy

·         A decision on the dualling of the A64 Hopgrove – Barton Hill remains due this year. The case is being made to the Transport Minister, despite the low cost/benefit ratio due to the rural nature of the area.

·         Mr Hollinrake understood the demands on local councils such as the availability of resources for planning officers, the First Homes Policy which he would like the Council to adopt, second homes causing rises in Council Tax. 

·         Mayoral elections and other national priorities


There followed a discussion with the key points being:

·         Members discussed the duelling of the A64 including the possibility of duelling the length of the A64 from York to Scarborough. Discussion included the economic impacts of the issues with the A64 on local businesses and on attracting new business to the area.

·         Members raised concerns regarding the use of agricultural land for solar farms, which may impact on food security.

·         The development of the new Local Plan and the sustainability of new build houses.

·         The apparent lack of progress on the RAF Linton-on-Ouse development and the impact of the resignation of the Defence Minister.


The Senior Transport Officer presented a proposal to spend £22,157 of the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund on the development of the Malton to Helmsley (via Hovingham and Kirkbymoorside) Active Travel Route. Members endorsed the proposal.


The Economic Development Manager presented the outcomes of the initial review of the viability of projects proposed by Members for consideration for the balance of the 2023/24 and total of the 2024/25 Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund.  Following discussion Members agreed to take the following projects to the Project Scoping Phase: Crayke to Easingwold cycle path; Cycle path connecting Hunmanby and Filey.


Nominations to the Heber Trust, Thirsk and Sowerby Swimming Baths Charity and the Vale of Pickering Internal Drainage Boad were agreed.


The Work Programme was noted and Members requested that reports on the Provision of sports and leisure services in the Ryedale district and the Repair of Thirsk Market Place be brought to a future meeting of the Committee.


The Schools, educational achievement and finance report was shared with Members for information and Members discussed several matters within the report and questioned the Strategic Planning Officer in attendance at the meeting.


7.0       SELBY AND AINSTY ACC – 19 JANUARY 2024


7.1       Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies -Councillors Andy Paraskos, Andrew   Lee, Bob Packham and John Cattanach were appointed to the Development Plans Committee.


7.2       North Yorkshire Council's Petition Scheme - Objection to the development of the Central Area Car Park in Tadcaster for housing - A petition exceeding 500 signatures, was considered at the meeting:-


“I disagree with the plan to build houses on the Central Car Park in Tadcaster and urge Selby District Council (now North Yorkshire Council) to remove this proposal as a preferred option from the Selby District Plan”.  At the meeting the petition organiser, Councillor Patrick Tunney – Tadcaster Town Council, presented the petition issue. A public question from Caroline Rowbottom of Tadcaster opposing the issues raised by the petition was taken at this stage.  Members agreed that the issues raised by the petitioner, and the public question in respect of the petition, be carried forward into the statutory Development Plan process, and further considered during that process.


7.3       Selby District Local Plan - Revised Regulation 19 (Publication version) draft plan for public consultation and Maltkiln New Settlement – Submission of the New Settlement (Maltkiln) Development Plan Document - Feedback from the Area Constituency Committee was submitted when the Executive considered these matters at an earlier meeting.


7.4       Update on Local Bus Services - Members considered a report providing an update on local bus services within the Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee, highlighting the following:


·         Selby and Ainsty local bus service update

·         National £2 fare cap scheme

·         Funding from central government

·         Community Transport.


7.5       Update on Rail matters - Members considered an update on all rail matters within the       geographical area covered by the Selby and Ainsty Area Constituency Committee          highlighting the following:

·         Selby Station Gateway and Access for All scheme

·         Stations - Sherburn in Elmet, South Milford, Church Fenton, Ulleskelf, Hensall and Whitley Bridge

·         Station Usage

·         Punctuality / Performance

·         Network North Announcement

·         Transpennine Route Upgrade and Transport Works Act Orders

·         Leeds - Goole Line.

7.6       Selby Climate Change Action Plan – Funding Members received a report relating to      legacy funding from former Selby District Council was available for the implementation of            the Selby Climate Change Action Plan. This amounted to £239K and was included in the       capital programme as ‘low carbon projects’ Details of potential projects were discussed.


7.7       North Yorkshire Council’s Climate Change Champion - The Council’s Climate Change     Champion, Councillor Paul Haslam, provided a presentation, highlighting his work on Climate Change, going forward.


7.8       SEND Provision Selby - Selby Special Free School Update - The Chair provided feedback from a public meeting that she had arranged involving concerned parents, pupils and school staff from the local area in relation to the difficulties caused by the delays to the provision of this school in the area.


7.9       Update on the £50k per ACC seed funding pot for economic development – An update    was provided in relation to the process for progressing and approving proposals for the ACC   £50k annual fund.




8.1       The financial and legal implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in March 2024.




9.1       The climate change implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in March 2024.




10.1     The equalities implications of the issues raised in this summary report are included in the reports that went to the meetings of the Area Constituency Committees in March 2024.




11.1     The recommendations to the Executive have been made by the Area Constituency Committees as part of their consideration of local issues at their March 2024 round of committee meetings.




12.1     The Executive is asked to note the report and consider any matters arising from the work of the Area Constituency Committees detailed above, that merit further scrutiny, review or investigation at a county-level.



Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services

County Hall



Report Author:

Elizabeth Jackson – Principal Democratic Services Officer


Background Documents:

Agenda, papers and minutes of the 6 Area Constituency Committee meetings in March 2024, which can be accessed via the following link -


Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.